As of the end of 2022 Cafechurch has become Northcote Uniting Church. Please head to our new website for information about what we are up to.
We will be discontinuing this website in the near future.

As of the end of 2022 Cafechurch has become Northcote Uniting Church. Please head to our new website for information about what we are up to.
We will be discontinuing this website in the near future.
At the end of 2022, the Cafechurch community decided that, in order to mark this new stage in our life together in Northcote, and also because lots of people show up at our door wanting to order a coffee from us, which is confusing for everyone, we will embrace our new identity as Northcote Uniting Church. As a result, this site will soon be decommissioned. Please find out more about what we are up to at our new website
We are a church where no question is forbidden, and where doubt is allowed, because we know that faith means wrestling with ambiguity, paradox, and suffering, as we learn to place our trust in the God who raised Jesus Christ from the dead.
Generally we are to be found talking about God, eating pizza, and drinking a nice shiraz on a Tuesday Night at 7pm, and we are all done by 9:15. On the final Tuesday of the month (usually) it's Caravan, where we meet for contemplation at 7pm, followed by dinner. Find us at Northcote Uniting Church - Chalice.251 High Street Northcote Vic.
To contact us, email Alister: info [at] or call 03 7019 3135. Cafechurch is part of the Chalice - Northcote Congregation of the Uniting Church in Australia
Copyright 2013-21 Caféchurch. Design by Miriam McWillam. Coded by apwd. You can Login here.